Ten years ago, when we first submitted an app called Board Game Stats to the App store, we couldn’t have imagined how this would change our lives!

From the start we got so many nice reactions of people enjoying the app, something that we originally just created for ourselves. People sharing the app with friends, their playgroup and at conventions helped us grow and enabled us to spend more and more time on this project. So much so that we could upgrade BG Stats from a side project to our main project.

Over the years we got so many feature requests for the app. All of these helped us make the app bigger, better and what it is today. We try to always add something new with every update!

So, from the bottom of our hearts, Thank You to everyone who uses the app, interacted with us (at conventions, on social media or through email), and talks about the app with others.

After 10 years we are still blown away by all of your continued enthusiasm, it keeps us motivated to keep working on creating and adding new features. Speaking of which, we are not planning on stopping anytime soon, and something big is right around the corner…

Lots of love,
Eerko & Suzan