We receive lots of feature requests for Board Game Stats. Aside from bugfixes, which we always try to pick-up as soon as possible, all feature requests are recorded. An overview of the most requested features can be found on the wishlist below.
Before sending in a new feature request, please check if it is not already on this list. You can use your browsers search function to look for keywords.
A listed feature does not automatically mean it will get implemented – this depends on popularity, technical complexity, and other considerations. Unfortunately, we can make no promises about when and if a requested feature will be implemented until it’s almost ready for release.
A list of major features that are planned for BG Stats can be found on our Roadmap.
- Insights: filter on cooperative/competitive games, games with multiple winners
- More stats for board/variants
- And/or filtering on board/variants screen (note: you can already use the Played Sets to filter ‘and’).
- NOT filter for board/variants.
- Compare scores with averages from Cloud sync users
- Collection cost: cost per unique player.
- Collection costs: import prices for games; total collection cost; cost for game including expansions; price sold; cost for expansion including base game; add upgrade, accessory and shipping costs separately; current value.
- Filtering on purchase price.
- Cost per play per copy; differentiate between currencies/ filter on currencies; consider purchase date.
- Stats for team roles, stats for teams
- Average winning score in roles table
- Player screen: add filters, show win percentages per player count, show H-index line, show number of ignored plays, current and overal win/loss/rank streak, choose play count per game between base plays only or all plays
- Challenge-specific insights and list of included plays
- Average ranking of a group of players, stats on rank, seating order, total tally of scores.
- Cumulative scores over a set of plays, sum of scores per player on game overview or Insights.
- Insights: show which players are new-to-me
- Insights: show average number of plays per game
- Insights: add option to show average time and sort on it in detail column
- Base some charts optionally on play time / duration instead of play count (pie charts, most played games on overview)
- Add absolute values in pie charts
- Graph of score development over time for a game, score histogram, list of all scores
- Show history of collection changes in a graph, more stats on Collection, including owners of played games.
- Stats on time in collection and time between acquisition and first play, including averages
- Heatmap: tap to view plays on tapped day for all time view.
- Heatmap: see exact number of plays and minutes etc. for a date
- Portrait version of heat map.
- Combine for stats plays of game entries that are essentially the same game (for calculation of H-index, % base games played, challenges, big box containers, etc.)
- Calculate a ‘P-index’, with how many players did you play at least as much games/plays? Same for an L-index and T-index (x games played for x hours).
- Insights: export the data as .csv for the games and players tabs
- Pie chart of publication year of games played/owned
- Stats of average age of games played
- Calculate win percentage for player/role stats from a minimum number of plays only
- Filter game stats on specific roles, compare stats of roles
- Stats for role sets over all players in play.
- Filter game overview on multiple player counts.
- Add Last X days option to Period filter.
- Add Select all / none buttons to board/variant, expansion and player selection screens.
- Stats for win margin (difference between winning and next-best score, and variants).
- Average spread (difference between winning and lowest score).
- Average win chance for a player for a specific game (next to win percentage)
- Statistics per tag (list), win chance and win percentage e.g.
- Table of win percentage per player for a list of games, ability to create a 3×3 from this.
- Show weighted win ratio (win percentage / weighted win chance) on Insights
- Show total play time with each player (on Player page and Insights)
- Show number of highs scores and corresponding games for a player
- Add a player ranking system (elo/glicko/rankade)
- Option to list expansions in the Insights game list.
- Calculate percentage of own base games played based on ownership status at time of play
- Configure minimum number of plays for a player to be counted in win% stats (currently fixed values per play count, see FAQ).
- Use median for average play time and scores instead of average.
- Win chance calculation based on actual logged win chance
- Insights bar chart: based on number of different games, and play time
- Game overview: add bar chart like on Insights (games per year/month)
- Game overview: add pie charts for day of week, location, number of players, location
- Game overview: add bar chart for players
- Insights: choose which player ‘New’ and other stats are based on.
- Mark Games as ‘new’ automatically based on their first play in the app, even without players.
- Calendar overview where you can see calendar and plays on same screen.
- Compare statistics on Insights with previous period and same period last year.
- Stats for dice rolls during a play
- Insights: filter on New games: option to also show games that were new in the selected period, even if the play in which it was marked new does not fit other filter criteria like player count.
- Show history graph of H-index
- Setting to always show “Cost per …” as all time, regardless of selected period on Insights
- Show on how many different days was played at a location (already possible to find out with filtering on Insights)
- For all-time heatmap add toggle Average / Total
- Heatmap for acquisitions
- Option to not count wish list items with status “Don’t buy this” for number of games on the wish list.
- Add an extra, sortable, column on the Insights player and games tab with Days played.
- Ability to exclude anonymous players from stats (like highest score etc.)
- Extra column Win streak in Statistics per section on a Game page.
- Stats based on days of the week.
- Stats for rounds.
- Setting to don’t use any play time if no time is entered
- Filter on wins (Game page/list of plays)
Play, Game, Player management
- Use multiple-select to change date
- Use multiple-select to replace Players/anonymous players and add players (with option to recalculate ‘new’), set play count, set player details like start-player, new, non-player, role.
- Recalculate ‘new’ for all plays.
- Use multiple-select to recalculate player Ranks
- Export (selected) games list as pfd or CSV.
- Ability to delete used roles and board/variant
- Add multiple usernames to a player
- Edit/Add Tags while adding/editing a player
- Set timezone for location; display date of play accordingly
- Add notes to locations
- Add images to locations
- Optionally show notes on the overview screen instead of behind the Notes button
- Filter on plays that have no winners or are ignored
- Filter plays on ‘No location’, ‘No players’, anonymous players, support ‘not player/location’
- Filter plays by role c.q. view plays for a certain role
- Filter plays by Game and Location directly from plays list
- Filter plays without copies or board/variants
- Filter plays list by ‘new to me’
- Add search field to Plays list (searching game name, player names, Play tag when added)
- Show selected details in plays list, like board/variant, scores, comment, time played, game picture/image etc.
- Show selected details in games list, like icon for coop/solo, last play date, average scores and number of plays on games list based on the current filtered subset, publishers, version etc.
- Filter games on expansions only, ‘not’ having status, and cooperative/scoring type, having notes, cost per play, in more than x challenges
- Filter games on played copy (mine, other)
- Filter showing all Owned or Played games
- Group games and expansions together, listing only base games with option to expand to show expansions for the game.
- Advanced filter on play-location and play-location tag, also player-tag.
- Set previously played per player.
- Sort games by collection data like location, Trade Condition
- Filter games by collection data like status change and price, location, Trade Condition
- Sort and filter games list by average play time as recorded by the app (not published times)
- Sort games by total play time
- Add a secondary sort order to games
- Custom sort for games within a tag (creating a top list)
- Filter games by ‘new to me’ (Games list)
- Tag plays
- Search game on version names, owner
- Archive players/locations
- Merge game entries
- Edit player images (crop, scale) in-app
- Add ascending and descending options to more sorts
- Set priority for Want to to play games
- Show rank of items instead of numbering in Insight lists
- Ability to add custom image to game copies
- List all known expansions for a game and add to collection from game overview (add to app and set collection status)
- Browse through plays from Last play
- Sort player lists by hours played optionally
- Filter players and locations by not having a specific tag
- Filter games: prioritise exact or begin matches or provide option for starts-with search
- Use formatting in the Game Notes, add links to rules/manual.
- Option to ignore plays for player-count as well when ignored.
- Ability to copy saved filter
- Sort/filter on ‘date added’
- Sort/filter on ‘Inventory date’
- Sort on modification date (any change to game or game copy)
- Add start date + filter period to Date filter (e.g. a week from the selected start date)
- Link to view all plays on a specific date from a play’s overview screen
- Update selected game info from BGG in bulk; optionally update game name from BGG when refreshing properties.
- When setting a game on “owned” ask to enter acquisition date.
- Advanced filter: filter “or”, e.g. games Owned OR games with tag X.
- Ability to filter Games on NOT having a tag at all
- Wildcard tag.
- Add favourite players (sorted on top)
- Gallery view for Game list.
- Separating Board/Variants into two categories “boards” and “variants” (see Play logging: “Group/organize board/variants and roles”)
- Way to quickly add a game to the app from the BGG search results to be able to bulk add games
- Default images to use for players
- Ability to add pictures/images to games
- Set personal game properties like weight, overriding loaded data.
- Sort games by “play density” (time since first play / total plays).
- Ability to mark games as “Finished” for Exit/Legacy games, so not to count in “own base games played” stats on Insights and not being suggested for challenges.
- Filter on days of the week.
- Optionally recalculate winners and ranks when changing scoring type of plays via multiple-select.
- Filter games list on games in a specific challenge (add to filter dropdown list).
- Add games to a specific challenge using multiple-select.
- When adding a duplicate game, offer to edit the existing game instead.
Play logging
- Suggest a random (or best) game to play next for the challenge (or most challenges)
- Randomise teams / board/variant / players (order)
- Randomise roles from least played.
- Add separate play result ‘tied’/’draw’, instead of all winning or losing or no winners
- Add yourself multiple times for two-handed (and more) play.
- Ability to give The Game a name, role and score for cooperative play
- Select for which games specific Non-players are used.
- Mark specific roles as always being a Non-player.
- Configure until which time of night a play is still logged for the previous day/date
- Named anonymous players
- Ability to add anonymous Non-players
- Select teams like roles from previously used list
- Set starting position field based on seating order and start player flag
- Set rank using drag’n’drop
- Link reliably to external images
- Set color for players, roles
- Add configuration for what to copy (including comments) into new plays – show banner what has been copied with a way to adjust immediately – dependent on how long ago the copied play was
- Log multiple sessions as one play with one end result (split over multiple days e.g., stats over average play time per session, average play time for game is total of sessions), with option to remember player turn.
- Log multiple plays as one campaign (optionally use incomplete flag, stats over overall campaign)
- Log start and end date of play, mark play as asynchronous
- Log a play without a date (unknown play date but details available)
- Log the start time and/or end time of the play
- Rate a play, rating for game after play for each player
- Set default expansions for a game
- Ability to define for played expansions which copy was played
- Add option to played copy to specify each player brought their own copy
- Choose location from predefined list of board game cafes
- Set minimum score needed to mark play as a win / define score ranges with corresponding achievement titles
- Track in-game character stats
- Log if this was an online/app/digital play
- Option to sort players on Most plays of this game when selecting for a play
- Add all players with a specific tag to a play at once (like a game group)
- Select Location as owner of the played copy, or choose ‘platform’
- Set played copy to ‘Other’ by default for certain locations
- Add timers for setup, explanation, tear-down
- Add myself multiple times to a play
- Sort options for selecting expansions (most/recent use, name)
- Expansion-specific board/variants and roles: define them on expansions so you can use them in a play where you’ve added that expansion
- Expansion-specific scoring setting: when added, use the scoring settings from the expansion
- Grouping of roles: assign roles in the group, view stats for the whole group
- Add description to board/variant
- Group/organize board/variants and roles
- Show more banners and comparing scores after saving a play (worst score, win streak, others).
- Show last starting player of this game (and/or for this group)
- Score / tracks / stats tracker for during play.
- Log music played during game, game-specific playlists.
- Support for tournaments, leagues, competitions, contests, and competitions with handicaps etc.
- End game scoring options
- Add ‘Highest score loses’ (and maybe ‘Lowest score loses’) scoring settings
- Select players: always show already selected players and ‘Me’, regardless of filter
- Ability for multiplication and division in score fields
- In Expansion-selector for a play, show the collection status of each expansion
- In Expansion-selector optionally also show other linked items on BGG, e.g. via ‘contains’, to be able to select big box content from a list.
- Support individual scores in team games (even without using a score sheet)
- Support people playing together as one player (virtual team) sharing the score and win, but not changing the player count.
- Ability to differentiate between own copies when selecting one when logging a play (by, for instance, displaying location, private comment etc.)
- Ability to enter text in score fields
- Ability to easily set rank
- Option per game to specify if one or more roles can be chosen (per play or role-group). If one, roles should be deselected when selecting another one.
- Set a role for every member of a team at once
- Link a play between players devices so they can all input data (like scores) in the play.
- Tournament of games (knock-out)
- Option when posting to BGG to put Roles in the Comments (because of the character limit in the BGG field)
- Comment/note field per player in a Play
- Ability to log the components (game) used to play under Play Details –> Played game copy.
- “Teaching games” module
- Setting to always check if a winner is selected (and notify if not) when saving a play for certain Score settings.
- Add option for adding note, marking player on turn and pictures when pausing the play-timer.
- Counter on Player selection screen/New play screen for number of selected Players.
- Ability to remove “New” from all players at once.
- Add option to Default Locations: “previous”.
- Option to quickly set date to today.
Score sheets
- Ability to create a score sheet or edit/add text to a row, set colors, move position
- Ability to use icons in score sheets
- Fill fields with 0s instead of remaining blanks (option)
- Tiebreakers
- Calculations based on predefined values / other rows
- Show members of each team
- Ability to add all team members on a sheet and score separately, adding up to one team score.
- Ability to filter scores in games with a “win” condition radiobutton
- Ability to break ties in an individual round on a most rounds won sheet.
- Link to plays with score sheets, and specific plays and their score sheet with the min and max score.
- Show player info like role, start player, new player.
- Ability to move scores between rows.
- Match BGA results to scoresheets.
- Ability to enter an overwriting total score at the end of the score sheet.
- Add options for Best scoring sheets and Worst scoring sheets to Stats dropdown, showing for each player their scores from their best/worst scoring play.
- Show how often the max or min value of scores were reached in the stats sheet.
- Option to download/update the score sheet cache for selected games.
- Ability to delete the score sheet from a play.
- Ability to add extra row to rounds-based template-based sheet.
- Set focus to new row.
- Add start/pause timer button to score sheet screen.
- Hide total scores until everything is entered and reveal end scores one player at a time.
Integrations and social
- Share Play overview as an image
- Share Game overview as an image
- Customize the default sharing text to include more details in your format
- Connect to friends, receive plays you participated in automatically, share stats
- View collection of friends
- Share plays via link or QR-code instead of play-file.
- Optionally share comments and/or images in shared play file.
- Add a header what is filtered on/shown, when sharing a Stats Score Sheet (max score, player name).
- Option to make play comments private
- Import or receive plays from online gaming platforms like BrettSpielWelt, Boiteajeux, Tabletopia, TableTopSimulator, Chess.com, 18xx.games, Dominion.games, Steam, boardgamecore.net, Rally the Troops! etc.
- Yucata/BGA import: filter on plays to import; scheduled imports. BGA: import play details like expansion, variant, role and game speed.
- Ability to import from Ludopedia, MyLudo and other international sites
- Support for RPGGeek and VideoGeek, Board game accessories
- Support for importing plays from RPG’s (importing from RPG Items works)
- Rate games (Beta)
- Manually enter rank “to” and “from” for filtering rank above 2000.
- Rank games using a ranking system
- Re-import play from BGG (overwriting play in the app)
- Automatic full BGG play sync
- Periodically import plays from BGG
- Post plays to BGG without any data.
- Option to ignore Non-players when posting to BGG
- Set name to use for players when posting to BGG
- Replace collection in app by BGG’s collection, or vice versa
- Ability for board game cafes to define their location and collection
- Scan barcode to add game to app / start play (needs barcode database)
- Scan NFC tag to select game in app
- Family Cloud sync to sync everything except the link of plays and collection to BGG so everybody can keep using their own BGG account
- Stronger play-posting anonymizing: not even initials, or skip complete player/location information, possibility of anonymising “me”.
- Post play to multiple BGG accounts (for each player) – player would have to login in the app.
- Create, share, vote, import recommended sets of boards/variants/tags/roles/notes (also: copy-paste within the app)
- Load data from Cloud directly (e.g. json-export like the app creates, or query plays of specific game and/or players).
- When importing games from other BGG users, add a chosen tag to those games.
- Include player’s user names in the play file export.
- When changing the version of a collection item on BGG, change the name in the app to that version’s name if different.
- When setting a custom name for a game on BGG, set the same name in the app.
- Share a challenge (the configuration) with others.
- Add an alternative name and image for sharing.
- Ability to choose what is shared from Insights / remove names when sharing from Insights.
- More options for the Stats-o-graphic
Other improvements
- Group players on Play overview by team
- Show win count next to win% on Play overview for games without scores
- Add more achievement levels for number of plays on Insights (fives, dimes, etc)
- Add achievements/badges for reaching pre-set goals, or define your own personal goals like (reach score x in game y, win x times game y, have win% by date z, achievements per game).
- Filter displayed games and players on Insights (without affecting stats)
- Sort player count pie chart based on player count, not on size
- Easier way to choose name for game (from version names, e.g.)
- Versions selector: select language to always sort on top
- Colour picker for 3×3 image background colour
- Ability to mark a new game in a 3×3 image
- Option for other shapes for the 3×3 image (like 3/4 x 8/10/12)
- Ability to reorder Board/variants
- Role randomizer: for all players at once; multiple roles;
- “Game recommender” that asks pre-set questions to select a game to play.
- Choose colors for tags, display with game
- Edit Filter Menu: ability to rearrange order
- Set role to White and Black for Chess depending on who was start player
- Button to swipe through applicable dates (based on filters) on Insights
- Ability to create a ranking of games (and tags etc.)
- Create “memories” about what you played x-time ago
- Option to get a reminder to take a picture after logging a play
- An extra option, on the Remove Tag popup on a game page, to go to the Tag’s combined stats page.
- Option to make Notes pop-up when creating a play
- For a Challenge, display the date it was completed.
- Display how far you overshot a challenge.
- Display for a game when it was completed for the challenge instead of “Auto-filled”.
- For a Play x times y times challenge display the date each game was completed.
- Sort games in a Challenge by ‘Almost done’ / closest to completion, moving completed ones to the bottom or optionally to the Previous challenge list.
- Ability to sort games in an Unplayed Owned Games challenge by Acquisition date.
- Ability to sort games in a challenge on “number of plays needed”.
- Add ‘Upcoming challenges’ folder for Challenges that haven’t started yet.
- Suggest more games to play next in a Challenge.
- In H-index Challenge overview, show all games that can increase the H-index.
- Option to exclude games from the ‘what to play next’ list for a Challenge.
- Show how many plays to go in Challenge progress to catch up to today.
- Mark preferred reserve in Challenges
- Ability to sort the list of challenges on % or alphabetical etc.
- Add “change of completing” percentage to challenges based on progress and time (elapsed and remaining)
- Add more stats over all plays in the Challenge (“Statistics for this group”)
- Add a specific play to a challenge
- Add duration (how many days is this challenge active) for Challenges without end date
- Add comment/note field to a Challenge
- Add completed H-index challenge to Previous Challenges
- Alphabet Challenge: tap a letter to see a list of and choose an eligible game
- Option to add expansions to a challenge / count expansions played as expansions with autofill.
- For Challenges that are autofilled from a Tag or Saved filter add the ability to tap the Tag/Filter to view the Games in the Tag/Filter.
- New challenges:
- get price down to x per hour;
- get price down to x per (player) hour;
- get price down to x per player;
- win certain amount of plays;
- reach a win rate;
- play amount with certain people;
- play amount at certain location / play at x different locations;
- play games from a certain year only from owned games;
- play with x new players;
- play certain number of hours;
- head-to-head challenge e.g. best of 50 plays in a period;
- play x games per week/month/year;
- challenge based on BGG top x;
- challenge based on BGA games;
- play x new to me games per week/month/year;
- play a game every day of the year (over many years, set number of plays per game);
- Heatmap challenge, fill the heatmap.
- staircase challenge;
- play a certain role or board/variant x times;
- play all expansions for a game x times;
- teach x different games (e.g. play x different games with role ‘Teacher’);
- Challenge based on awards;
- Challenge where you can set different target numbers for different games
- Like Alphabet challenge, but option to choose challenge letters.
- Challenge to play on x number of different days
- Display tips for new users
- Make collection data (comments, price paid etc.) more accessible, add price and date sold
- Authorize cloud sync for new device using old device instead of email
- Warn when using Anonymize to BGG feature and not backing up elsewhere
- Option to hide sync status messages in title bar
- Choose order of info on Overview screen and which collection info to display
- Show Current month / Current year instead of Last 30 days / Last 365 days on Overview
- Choose which details to display in the list of plays
- When choosing owner of played copy, sort current players and owners at this location, on top
- Top 5 scores with link to plays on Game overview screen
- Play overview screen: show visibly that base games and expansions are part of games owned stat
- Add “Stats this year” to last 30, last year, all-time stats pager.
- Choose starting screen (Overview, Plays, Games)
- View edit game’s collection from game list directly
- Show role-related tabs on Game overview only when roles are added (always show Add role button though)
- Optionally remove color from randomization icon
- Insights: create saved filters
- Global app-wide search
- Ability to swipe through games from a list, from the Game page
- Create multiple separate profiles in the app
- Let the Random Player selector show the starting player full screen (for everyone around the table to be able to see it)
- Random Player selector without popup (just set flag)
- Ability to clear all four filters on Insights with one button
- Ability to keep the screen on when a score sheet is open
- Support for different themes or color schemes, different colors for different game types (base / expansion).
- Add Tag-menu to settings.
- Increase size of comment boxes.
- Import scores from screenshot of a score sheet.
- Better support for accessibility features
- Support dynamic text sizing (beta on iOS)
- Shortcut support (iOS): add a play, start new play for a game, get list of games, players, plays, etc.
- Offer API to get data from Cloud sync
- Ability to add Notification to play a game again after x time (week, month, etc)
- Automatic backups (besides Cloud sync)
- Recognize locations automatically using GPS, show locations on a map
- Link players to contacts on your device, add social media links to players / link to contacts there
- Show plays already entered for the future in the calendar app, with reminders
- Support widgets
- Run on ChromeOS / Windows
- Apple Watch / Android Wear app
- Integrate Siri / Google Search/Assistant
- Offer app via Huawei App Gallery, Amazon Store etc.
- Link to App Store entry for the app / check for updates button
- Link to App’s settings in the Settings app
- Ability to share the app to tv or other screen.
- Android, ability to go back to main screen with one action (depending on device this is already possible)
Implemented wishlist items
Implemented wishlist items, version in which the feature was implemented listed between brackets.
Not all implemented features are listed here, please check our Version History for a complete list of implemented features.
- Use multiple-select to edit tags for players and locations (5.6)
- Use multiple-select to edit (or remove) Players and Locations (5.6)
- Export (selected) games list as text (5.3)
- Setting in new plays: always add specific players (instead of only me) (5.3)
- Option to expand the limit on the 3×3 image creator to more than 100 games (5.3)
- Make the timer a bit bigger / easier to tap (5.3)
- Use multiple-select to enable Previously Played (5.2.1)
- Mark game as played without logging a play (date unknown, played x times) (Previously Played, 5.2)
- Add notifications (Live activity on iOS, Notification center on Android) (5.1)
- Support lock screen controls (5.1)
- Filter games by specific (exact) supported player counts (5.0)
- Show and sort on BGG data like weight, suggested players, category, game length, designer, artist, publisher, year etc. (5.0)
- Advanced filter: don’t show games with selected min-ages (e.g. hide games that are 6+) (5.0)
- Show BGG rating (overall and mine), sort/filter on rating (5.0)
- Button to clear the Tag sync log. (4.6.14)
- Add new line before #bgstats when posting plays to BGG. (4.6.10)
- Add filter to Challenge set-up to only count plays that are not set to be played with “Other copy (4.6)
- Add Yesterday, This week, Last week, Last 365 days options to Period filter. (4.5)
- Filter games by collection data like acquisition date (4.5)
- Ability to choose ‘Ongoing’ time frame for a Challenge (4.5)
- Automatically update challenges like Unplayed/All from collection/from tag. (4.5)
- Option to use BGG default or other image instead of default version image. (4.3)
- Select multiple images at once (4.3)
- Randomise roles (4.1)
- Log scores per round (see: Score sheets) (4.0)
- Note scores but record win based on best of x rounds; note best score only (see: Score sheets) (4.0)
- Note win condition (in some game-specific Score sheets) (4.0)
- Set seating order, as alternative to the text field start position (3.27)
- Sort players on Play overview on seat order (3.27)
- Add score setting ‘no winner’, e.g. for Solo games (3.26)
- Setting in new plays: add my copy as played by default (if I own the game) (3.25.3)
- Sorting for board/variants screen; sort numbers naturally (3.25)
- Spent on collection purchase in specific period (3.25)
- Multiple-select plays – set played copy: allow for different games (3.24.5)
- 3×3 Sharing: add ability to insert blank square (3.21)
- Search players on account name(s) (3.19)
- Link to game from a challenge, even if it wasn’t played yet. (3.18.1)
- Import or receive plays from online gaming platforms like Yucata, BoardGameArena (3.16)
- Insights: filter on base-games only (3.14)
- Set number of players separately to support Solo games with automa’s and AI’s (3.14)
- Mark player as ‘non-player’ for player-count, configure player to be ‘non-player’ by default (for AI, automa, explainers, DM’s, etc.) (3.14)
- Choose a starting player (3.13)
- Set cooperative per-play instead of per-game (3.13)
- Suggest a game to play (3.12)
- Run on Mac (M1) (3.11.1)
- Check for use of Cloud sync or recent backup and notify when necessary (3.11)
- Ability to share a play image (3.9.7)
- Sort players on Play overview on name, score, position (3.9.4/9),
- Collection costs: cost per play, playtime, player, etc. for a game (3.9)
- View plays in calendar, with heatmap (3.7)
- Heatmap: show scale, toggle to view play duration instead of play count (3.7)
- Heatmap: tap to view plays on tapped day (3.7)
- Search games on BGG name (3.6)
- Log played expansions (see: Expansion logging) (3.6)
- Ability to open BG Stats to a specific game using an URL with a BGG ID, optionally starting a new play with that game as well. (3.6)
- Choose to display expansions in the list of plays (3.6)
- Ability to delete a game even when it’s selected in a Challenge (3.5.5)
- Add notes (3.5)
- Allow larger player images (3.5)
- Show players from the current location only, optionally select default set of players for a location.(3.5)
- Group games and players, create custom game filters (see: Tagging) (3.5)
- List games as borrowed or loaned out (see: Tagging) (3.5)
- When sharing a play file, also share Played copy and adjust owner. (3.5)
- Replace Players/Played with pie chart with bar chart (3.5)
- Filtering players: make filter options ‘Any’, ‘All’, ‘Only’ and ‘Exact’ (3.4.6)
- On Insights, tap the total time played to see the exact recorded time. (3.4.6)
- Add more currencies to game copy purchase info (3.4.6)
- Sort games by collection data like acquisition date, status change and price (3.18)
- Multiple-select using two-finger swipe (iOS) (3.16.3)
- Use multiple-select to change the board/variant (3.13)
- New challenges:
- play x games by designer y; (5.4)
- get all my owned game to x plays; (4.5)
- play to get a game up to X plays; (4.5)
- get price down to x per hour/
play(3.24); - get price down to x per play (3.24);
- alphabet challenge (including playing in order)(3.24);
- play 1 game per day (3.9);
- Sorting on purchase price.
- Edit game’s publication year
- Filter on plays that needs posting/updating to BGG
- Filter games by ‘new to me’ (Insights)