In version 5.6 it is now possible to use Multiple-select for Players and Locations. For Players the following options are available: For Locations the following options are available: For a description of all possibilities with Multiple-select, for Players, Locations but also Plays and Games, see: Multiple Select Yucata This version also fixes the issue with […]
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Category: News
Now available (v5.5.7 (iOS) & v5.5.6 (Android)): the Stats-o-graphic! Create the Stats-o-graphic over any period and apply any filters available to you on Insights. The Stats-o-graphic is available for all app users, no expansions necessary. Read all about how it works here: Stats-o-graphic
End of year overview 2024
As the year comes to an end we would once again like to thank everyone who is using our app (new & old) and supporting us! Thank you also for sharing your stats (online or in real life), we always enjoy seeing what everyone plays! It has become tradition to share an End of year […]
Year Stats 2024
Another year has come and gone, so it is time for the Year Stats again! This year the Year stats* are revamped and a lot of options you requested are now possible! You will see the Year Stats banner on the main overview screen of the app. Tap this banner to go directly to your […]
V5.4 Custom Filter Challenge
So close to the end of the year we always like to bring you a new challenge*! Earlier this year we brought you a lot of new filters. It is now possible to add these to a Challenge. Create a Custom Filter Challenge with the new template, or add them to any Challenge by choosing […]
V5.3: lots of small features!
We are proud to present BG Stats v5.3! Instead of discounts that are only for new players, we offer an update with lots of (requested) small features that everyone can enjoy! Selecting players Firstly, a few much requested options to make selecting players when logging plays easier! Default players In Settings –> In new plays […]
Most Popular New Game Award 2024
For the third time we awarded our annual Most Popular New Game Award at Spiel. This year the award went to Sky Team! Because designer Luc Rémond was not at Spiel Joëlle Bouhnik (Marketing Director) graciously accepted the award on behalf of publisher Scorpion Masqué! Congratulations to the winner Sky Team, designer Luc Rémond, publisher Scorpion Masqué […]
V5.2 adds option Previously Played
With app update V5.2 a much requested feature is added: the ability to mark a game as having been played previously. This comes in handy when you know you’ve played a game, but haven’t logged a play, maybe because this was before you started logging. Or when you’ve played two games that integrate with each […]
V5.1: Play timer on Lock screen & as Li
Board Game Stats can now show the Play timer for your current play as Live Activity (iOS 16+) or in Notification center (Android 8+). This means you can start and pause your play directly from your lock screen or even the Dynamic island on iOS. You can read more about this here: Play timer on […]
Board Game Stats v5 is here!
Version 5 of Board Game Stats brings several major new features, and a few smaller ones. With the new Game Filters finding games in your app (for game night, challenges etc) is now even more flexible, powerful and fun! The new Games list View Options and new Sorting options on the Games list give plenty […]
10 Years of Board Game Stats
Ten years ago, when we first submitted an app called Board Game Stats to the App store, we couldn’t have imagined how this would change our lives! From the start we got so many nice reactions of people enjoying the app, something that we originally just created for ourselves. People sharing the app with friends, […]
Annual Stats Overview 2024
Another year has gone by (a bit too quickly)! Please enjoy our, slightly overdue, third Annual Stats Overview! The Top games stayed the same. Our Most Popular New Game Award 2023 winner Heat: Pedal to the Metal stayed strong and was the highest new entry in the lists! These are stats over the period April […]
V4.6.9 a tiny new feature
Today a tiny new feature, but important nonetheless! Version 4.6.9 adds the option to view a saved score sheet with the regular font instead of a handwritten font! Tap the gear icon on the saved score sheet page to toggle this option.
For our Dutch speaking followers: we wer...
We were honoured to be on the Spel op Tafel podcast this week! You can listen to it here: Speloptafel Podcast no.20 – Lekker Loggen Or read the interview here: Board Game Stats: Twentse makelij, maar wereldberoemd
Milestone with Score Sheets!
🎉 Yesterday we reached a new milestone: There are now over a 1000(!) game-specific score sheets available in the app! 🎉 Don’t know what this is about? Read more about Score Sheets here: Score Sheets
V4.6.1 Two new features
The first two new options of 2024 are available with V4.6.1: 🟣 Option to ‘Ignore plays with other copy’ for some challenge types🟢 Option to Import ‘Play File’ from gear menu of All plays screen 🟣 Option to ‘Ignore plays with other copy’ for some challenge types When you edit the Challenge page, this will […]
End of year Overview
At the end of this year we want to thank everyone who is using our app (new & old), sharing their stats (online or in real life) and for supporting us! Here’s one final look back at everything that was added to BG Stats this year! As usual stay tuned for more in 2024! (first […]
Happy Holidays
We wish you all a happy time with friends and family and as much board games as you want! 💚 Eerko & Suzan (first posted on social media on 25-12-2023)
V4.5 Last new features of the year
This last update with new features brings the following new features and options: New Challenge template: “Bring owned games to 5 plays each” New Challenge type: “Play games x times each” The “Play every game in my collection” and “Bring Cost per play down” Challenges will now automatically update for newly created challenges. Set no […]
BBCode for BGG
When posting your challenges on BGG it can be a hassle to add all stars and no-stars to your lists. With version 4.4 of BG Stats you have the possibility to generate and copy the BBCode required to post a list on BGG. Choose “Generate BBCode for BGG” from the menu on a Challenge page […]
Version 4.4: The Return of the Year Stat...
By popular demand, the Year Stats are back! You can open the Year Stats page from the banner on the Overview page, or through Settings –> View and Share your 2023 stats. A number of options are available, explained below. You can: choose between Play count or Play time stats remove a line by tapping […]
Version 4.2: Three new languages and imp...
In this new version three new languages are available in BG Stats: Czech, Icelandic and Chinese (simplified)! Go to Settings –> Language (scroll down) to change your language! Also in this update are improvements to image management on Android. And it is now possible to make a backup of all images in the app. You […]
Most Popular New Game Award 2023
For the second time we awarded our annual Most Popular New Game Award at Spiel. This year the awards went to Asger Harding Granerud and Daniel Skjold Pedersen for their game Heat: Pedal to the Metal! Congratulations to the winner Heat: Pedal to the Metal and designers Asger Harding Granerud and Daniel Skjold Pedersen and […]
Version 4.1 brings a new feature: the Ro...
With the Role randomizer you can quickly let BG Stats select a role from a list of existing Roles! The available options are: Any role: select a random role out of all roles.Unassigned role: select a random role that is not used by one of the other players yet.From selected roles: select a random role […]
Board Game Stats v4: Score Sheets
We are proud to present Board Game Stats version 4! This free update brings Score Sheets to BG Stats. What are Score Sheets in BG Stats? Score sheets are like a digital pen and paper to note down scores for your plays. With a score sheet your total score will be calculated and the winner […]
Polish becomes the 11th language availab...
Thanks to our wonderful volunteers the Polish language is now available in BG Stats, v3.28. This is the 11th language in BG Stats after: Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian! Activating a different language in the app Go to Settings –> App Settings –> Language Missing a language? If you […]
V3.26 brings more options for score sett...
Four new options for score settings for games and plays were added in this update, they are listed below. As always also a lot of improvements throughout the app were made. See below for an update about the Score Sheet beta. 🟢 Each play of a game can now have a different scoring setting.The score […]
Most Popular New Game Award 2022
This year, at Spiel ’22 we had the honour to award the first BG Stats Most Popular New Game Award to Mathias Wigge for his game Ark Nova. The popularity of a game is determined as follows: we looked at the unique users that logged at least one play of a game. The new game […]