You can create a Custom Filter Challenge via the template in the Template menu. You can also use the Custom Filter in a new empty Challenge from the New challenge menu or when you edit an existing Challenge.

Creating a Custom Filter Challenge via the template

In the Custom Filter Challenge you have a few options:

Number of different games to play

Choose the number of different games you want to play. If not set to “All”, the Challenge can be edited to change this number.

Number of plays to record per game

Choose the number of plays you want to record for each game. The Challenge can be edited to change this number.

Only Games from:

Here you can set your Custom Filter. Tap “Select” to open the filter. The Challenge can be edited to change the filter.

Read more about how the custom filter works here: Custom Filter

Challenge period

Choose the period you want for the Challenge: current year, next year or All time. The Challenge can be edited to change this period.

Base games only

Select if you want to play only Base games (enable this option) or also want to include expansions (disable this option). The Challenge can be edited to change this option.

Ignore plays with Other copy

If enabled only plays that have set “My copy” or not specified a copy are counted for the Challenge (i.e. plays that are set to “Other copy” are not counted). The Challenge can be edited to change this option.

Examples of Challenges

A 5×5 Challenge based on a Designer
A 10×10 Challenge based on a Publisher
An example of a Custom Filter with more options:

> Collection status is Owned
> Year published is between 2000 – 2025
> Rating is 7 or higher

This creates a challenge to play all filtered games once.