You can also keep track of your Challenges! Via an in-app purchase you can enable the Challenges expansion.
With it you can:
- Choose from one of the 10 Challenge templates
- Create a Play x Games y times challenge: 10×10, 100×1, 1×365, you name it!
- Create a Record x plays challenge
- Play games x times each challenge
- Create a Reach next H-index challenge, that will track when you will get to your next H-index (which means playing x games x times).
- Create a custom Cost per Play challenge
You can buy the Challenges expansion from the Settings (the gear icon).
If you have a Cloud sync subscription your Challenges will sync seamlessly to your other devices as well.
The following templates are included. They can all be adjusted to your preferred time period, and goal to reach.
Custom Filter Challenge
- Alphabet challenge
- Cost per play challenge
- Play 10 Games 10 times each
- Play my Unplayed Owned Games
- Play 10 New-to-me-games
- Bring owned games to 5 plays each
- Play every Game in my Collection
- Play a game every single day
- Replay 20 old favorites
- Play 5 times with a friend
- Play 10 games from a specific year.
After creating a Challenge from a template you can always edit it so adjust its settings.
In most Challenges you can:
- Set the time period and the games to track
- Filter for which players, player counts and locations the challenge is valid
- Choose the auto-fill option to let BG Stats automatically add qualifying games and plays
- Choose Excluded games that are never added via auto-fill
- Exclude specific plays from a challenge
- Share your ongoing results and when you’ve reached your goal
- Follow the progress for each Game you’ve added to the Challenge.
Play x Games y times
You can also set this Challenge to be ‘hardcore’:
Hardcore challenges cannot be changed later
- Only plays starting on or after the challenge creation date qualify
- The game to play are selected beforehand, but you can select ‘reserve’ games; only the most played will be counted
- Prove you really completed the Challenge as set!
If you want you can always convert a hardcore challenge to a regular challenge later, but it won’t count as hardcore anymore!
Cost per play
This challenge is explained here: Cost per Play Challenge
Bring owned games to 5 plays each
Additionally, in this challenge you can choose if you want to include expansions or not.
Custom Filter Challenge
This challenge is explained here: Custom Filter Challenge