Using Multiple-select it is possible to edit more than one item at once, instead of having to edit each separately. The four main lists of Plays, Games, Players and Locations in BG Stats all support multiple-select.

In the Plays list, when multiple-select is activated, it’s also possible to reorder items by dragging them by their drag-handle (multiple horizontal lines) on the right.

Quick jump to:

How to activate/use?

The quickest way to start the multiple-select, is to long-press any item in the list. The list will go into multiple-select mode, showing selection marks in front of each item. A bar with action buttons will appear at the bottom of the screen. The long-pressed item will be the only selected item. Tapping other items will add or remove them from the selection. You can tap anywhere on the row to do so.

You can also start multiple-select by tapping the Select button, which is the word ‘Select’ at the top-left on iOS, and a button with horizontal lines at the top-right on Android.

Lastly, on iOS, you can use the two-finger-swipe gesture to start multiple-select and select the swiped rows. To do this, swipe with two parallel fingers vertically over the list of items.

You can stop multiple-selecting by tapping ‘Done’ on iOS, or the back or cross button on Android.


Edit Collection Status iOS


This shows the quick collection pop-up. Here you can set the Collection Status of all selected games at once.

If you have games with different statuses selected, the popup will show the combined status of the selected games. Statuses that only some of them have will show ‘half’-selected, like the Owned status in the image to the left.

Only your changes will be saved to the selected games. If you would tap ‘Want to Play’ in this example, all selected games will get that status, but their Owned status will remain as is.

It’s not possible to use this dialog if you have selected one ore more games that have multiple copies with a collection status, to prevent you from accidentally changing all of their statuses. If a game has multiple copies, but only one with a collection status, only that one is edited.

Edit Game Android


The Edit popup menu offers several possible changes to games. Each of these options will display a dialog detailing the current status of your selection. E.g., when changing Scoring Type, the dialog will say if all, none or some of your selection are currently set to Highest score wins. Buttons will offer to change the setting for all selected games.

Set Game Type

With this option you can change all selected games to be a Base game, Expansion, or Both (Base and Expansion).

Alternatively, with the ‘Reload from BGG’ button this setting is reloaded from BoardGameGeek for these games.

Change Scoring Type

With this option you can change the Scoring type for all selected games to be ‘No scores’, ‘Highest score wins’, or ‘Lowest score wins’.

Change No Winners / Losers

With this options you can toggle the ‘No winners/losers’ status for all selected games.

Change Cooperative

With this options you can toggle the ‘Cooperative’ status for all selected games.

Change Play in Teams

With this options you can toggle the ‘Play in Teams’ status for all selected games.

Set Previously Played
With this options you can set (or remove) Previously Played for all selected Games. You can only turn the option on or off, it’s not possible to set a previously played amount via multiple-select.

Edit Tags…
Edit Tags for all selected Games. Choosing this will open the Tag selector for the selected games. The current status for the combined selection will be displayed. This will show checkmarks in front of tags that all selected games have, and a dash in front of tags that some of the selected games have.

Only your changes will be saved to the selected games. If you would select a new tag for example, all selected games will get that tag, but their original tags will remain as they were.


With the trash icon you can delete the selected games. Your selection must not contain games that have plays, those cannot be deleted. Deletion cannot be undone.

Be warned that any collection information (a collection status, rating, or private info like purchase costs) will be deleted as well. The delete confirmation dialog will warn you if selected games do have collection information.


Edit Plays iOS


The Edit popup menu offers several possible changes to plays. Some are only available when plays from only one game are selected. Others only when plays from different games are selected.

Set Game…

Changes the played game for the selected plays. A Game selector will appear, in which you can select the game to set, after which a confirmation dialog is shown. Changing the game does not change boards/variants, roles or played copy for the selected plays.

Set Location…

Changes the play location for the selected plays. A Location selector will appear, in which you can select the location to set. This is done immediately after selecting the location.

Add Comment…
Add a comment to all selected Plays. The comment will be added to any existing comments in the selected plays. If there is an existing comment, the added comment will be started on a new line.

Change Ignore for Stats…

Displays a dialog detailing the current status of your selection (some, all or none set to Ignored for stats). Buttons offer to change the setting for all selected plays.

Change Scoring Settings…

In the dialog that appears you can choose to

  • Change No Winners / Losers…
  • Change Scoring Type…
  • Change Cooperative…

A dialog will follow detailing the current status of your selection. Buttons offer to change the setting for all selected plays.

Set Played Copy…

Displays a dialog detailing the current status of your selection (how many are set to My copy, to Other copy, etc.). Buttons offer to change the setting for all selected plays. If you choose Set all to My Copy you can optionally select the specific copy in the next dialog. If you choose Set all to Other copy you can optionally select the specific copy and/or the owner of the copy in the next dialogs.

Make this one play with expansions…
Only available when plays from more than one game are selected. Use this if you have separate plays for the base game and one or more played expansions, that you want to merge into one play.

You’ll be asked which play should be the Base Play that will remain in the app. You’ll then see a confirmation dialog detailing what the app will do. It will add the other selected plays as played expansions to the base play. Only the base play’s details like scores will be preserved, the other plays will be deleted.

Change to expansion plays…

Use this if you have plays recorded on expansions, but want to move them to the corresponding base game. The originally selected expansion will be set in the play as played expansion.

You’ll be asked to select the Base game for the selected plays. You’ll then see a confirmation dialog detailing what the app will do.

Edit Expansions…
Only available when plays from only one game are selected.

Choosing this will open the Expansion selector for the selected plays. The current status for the combined selection will be displayed. This will show checkmarks in front of expansions that all selected plays have, and a dash in front of expansions that some of the selected plays have.

Only your changes will be saved to the selected plays. If you would select a new expansion for example, all selected plays will get that expansion, but their original expansions will remain as they were.

Edit Boards/Variants
Only available when plays from only one game are selected.

Choosing this will open the Board/Variant selector for the selected plays. The current status for the combined selection will be displayed. This will show checkmarks in front of boards/variants that all selected plays have, and a dash in front of boards/variants that some of the selected plays have.

Only your changes will be saved to the selected plays. If you would select a new board/variant for example, all selected plays will get that board/variant, but their original boards/variants will remain as they were.

Share Plays Android


Social Share…
Creates a sharing text ready for posting to social media. The text is a summary of the played games and different play dates.

Send Play File…
Creates a Play File that contains all selected Plays, that you can then send to somebody else.

Note that this sends all details including player names and play comments.

Post or Update to BGG
All selected Plays will be posted to BGG, or if they are already posted, they will be updated.
You need to be logged into BoardGameGeek in Settings –> BoardGameGeek.


With the trash icon you can delete the selected plays, after confirmation. Deletion cannot be undone.

Depending on your Play Posting Settings for BoardGameGeek, any plays that were posted to BGG can be deleted from there as well.



Edit Tags for all selected Players. Choosing this will open the Tag selector for the selected players. The current status for the combined selection will be displayed. This will show checkmarks in front of tags that all selected players have, and a dash in front of tags that some of the selected players have.

Only your changes will be saved to the selected players. If you would select a new tag for example, all selected players will get that tag, but their original tags will remain as they were.


The Edit popup menu offers several possible changes to players, depending on the current selection.

Make Anonymous…
This will change the selected Players to Anonymous players. Anonymous players do not have statistics and do not appear in lists.

After confirmation, the players will be replaced in all plays, and be removed from the list of players.

Set All to Non-Player
This option only appears if you have selected at least 1 regular player. The change will be done immediately. Non-players can be recognized by having a robot (🤖) icon next to their name.

Remove Non-Player from All
This option only appears if you have selected at least 1 non-player. The change will be done immediately. Non-players can be recognized by having a robot (🤖) icon next to their name.


With the trash icon you can delete the selected players. Your selection must not contain players that have plays, those cannot be deleted.



Edit Tags for all selected Locations. Choosing this will open the Tag selector for the selected locations. The current status for the combined selection will be displayed. This will show checkmarks in front of tags that all selected locations have, and a dash in front of tags that some of the selected locations have.

Only your changes will be saved to the selected locations. If you would select a new tag for example, all selected locations will get that tag, but their original tags will remain as they were.


The Edit popup menu offers several possible changes to locations.

Set Default Players… / Replace Default Players…
Default players for a location are used when you log a new play for that location. It replaces any default players you have selected in the app’s Settings.

Then name of this menu item will be Set Default Players if no default players are set yet for the selected players, Replace Default Players otherwise.

When you choose this option a Player selector appears. Select the players you want to set as default players (or no players if you want to remove all of them). Then tap ‘Select’ to confirm your selection. The selection replaces the default players for all selected locations. Note that the Player selector does not reflect the currently selected default players for the selected location(s).

Set Linked Player Tag…
When logging a play on a location, the player selector in the play automatically filters the players on the selected tag.

When you choose this option a Tag selector appears. Select the tag you want to set (or no tag if you want to remove the setting). Then tap ‘Select’ to confirm your selection. The selection replaces the linked tag for all selected locations. Note that the Tag selector does not reflect the currently selected linked tag for the selected location(s).


With the trash icon you can delete the selected players. Your selection must not contain players that have plays, those cannot be deleted.