Board Game Stats can show the Play timer for your current play as Live Activity (iOS 16.2+) or in Notification center (Android 8+).

Live Activities on iOS

When logging a play a Live Activity will be started that shows the current game being played, and its Play timer (if started). The Live Activity is displayed on your lock screen. If your device has a Dynamic Island, the Live Activity will be displayed there as well.

Lock screen
Dynamic Island
BG Stats settings

On the lock screen you can use the Live Activity to start and pause the Play timer. Long-pressing the Dynamic Island will also give you these options. These buttons are available on iOS 17 and higher.

Enabling and disabling this Live Activity

You can enable or disable this Live Activity for BG Stats.

  • Go to the Settings app
  • Scroll down to the Apps and select the BG Stats settings
  • Enable or disable the Live Activities.

Notification center on Android

When logging a play an Ongoing Notification will be added to the Notification center that shows the current game being played, and its Play timer (if started). On some versions of Android this Notification will be displayed on the lock screen as well.

Notification in Status bar
Expanded Notification

In the Notification you can start and pause the Play timer. You might need to expand the notification to see the control.

Edit Play screen banner

Enabling and disabling this Notification

For this to work you’ll need to allow notifications (on Android 13+) for BG Stats. On the Edit Play screen a banner will display if Notifications are not enabled.

  • Tap “Enable” on the Edit Play screen banner
  • Confirm the permission in the subsequent dialog

You can hide this banner if you don’t want to use this feature by tapping the X on the right side.

In the app-specific settings of your device you can disable notifications (Android 8+) or disallow the notification permission (Android 13+). If you have disabled notifications, BG Stats won’t show the Notification or the banner on the Edit Play screen.
To re-enable them you’ll have to go to the App Info for BG Stats and enable these notifications in the settings.