It is possible to mark a game as being played, without logging a play. This is useful for when you know you’ve played a game, but this was before you started logging plays, or for some reason you forgot to log. Or when you’ve played two games that integrate with each other and only log plays on one of the two, this way the other can be marked as played.

Once you’ve marked a game as played, this game will no longer show up when using filters that search for unplayed games (this includes filters used in Challenges).

An extra option will become available once Previously Played is enabled: you can enter a number of plays that will be added to the play count of that game. These do not count as logged plays, they don’t have a date, players etc. and can not be found with filtering.

How to mark a game as Previously Played

Marking a game as Previously Played can be done on a game page.

  • Go to the Game page
  • Tap “Edit
  • Enable “Previously Played
  • Tap “Save

Optionally you can enter a number in the “Number of play to add to Game stats” field.

Option Previously Played
How to see a game is marked as Previously Played on a Game page

On the game page you’ll see “Played” after the number of Plays at the top of the screen.

Game with no logged plays, that is marked as Previously Played

If you have also added a number of Plays, this number will be added to the total number of plays. The Previously Played number will be shown between brackets after the total number of plays. In the example below, this game was not played before, so the 1 previous play is the only play for this game.

Game with no logged plays, and 1 previous play