BG Stats has limited support for RPGGeek. Adding more support is on our wishlist.
You can import RPG Item1 plays from RPGGeek into BG Stats. Go to Settings > BoardGameGeek > Import Plays, and turn on “Include ‘RPG Item’ and ‘Video Game’ plays” before importing.
When importing plays, any RPG Item you logged a play on will be added as a regular game in the app. Once in the app, you can:
- Edit the game’s collection info, and it will sync with RPGGeek (if you have BGG Collection sync enabled).
- Edit or log plays on this game, and they will be posted to RPGGeek (if you have auto-post plays enabled in the BGG Play Posting settings).
What’s not yet possible:
- Search for an RPG Item when adding a new game to BG Stats. Only Board Games are found.
- Import RPG‘s or plays logged on RPG‘s.
Of course you can always add any game manually in BG Stats, so you can log plays for it. Do this by tapping the + button in the Games list, then tapping ‘Add without link’.
- RPGGeek distinguishes between RPG‘s and RPG Items. RPG Items are very similar to Board Games on BGG, and can be partly handled by BG Stats. RPG‘s are more like a ‘Family‘ on BGG and have no direct equivalent in BG Stats. ↩︎