With the Games list View settings you can customise the Games list to show exactly the information you want. You can select different options for each list, so e.g. your Owned games list always displays game notes and your Wishlist always shows ratings. You can find the List View Settings in the gear menu on the Games screen.
There are two main views: Compact view and Expanded view.
The Compact view shows a small game image, and only the display of expansion icons and collection status are optional. The details displayed below the game’s name are selected by the app and based on the current sort and filters.
The Expanded view shows a larger game image, and has a lot of customizable views. You can switch between Compact and Expanded view from the gear menu, and with the bottom left button in the List View Settings dialog.
Available Settings
General List view Settings
Expansion Icons
Enable this setting to show the “Expansion” and “Expansion + Base game” Icons in the Games list.
Scoring Type
Enable this setting to show the game’s default Scoring Type in the Games list. This includes all scoring settings: highest/lowest wins, no scores, no winners/losers, cooperative, and play in teams by default.
Game Notes
Enable this setting to show your Game Notes for a game in the Games list.
Collection Status
Enable this setting to show your Collection Status for a game in the Games list.
All Tags (available with the Tagging expansion)
Enable this setting to show your Tags for a game in the Games list.
Status and Tags inline
When this setting is enabled, the Collection status and Tags information will be displayed together on one line, for a more compact view.
Designers, Artists, Publishers
Enable these settings to show the Designer(s), Artist(s) and Publisher(s) of a game in the Games list.
Categories, Mechanics, Families
Enable these settings to show a game’s Categories, Mechanics and Families as defined by BoardGameGeek in the Games list.
Year published
Enable this setting to show the publication year of the game. If you have manually altered this on the Edit Game screen, your provided year will be displayed.
Playing time
Enable this setting to show the minimum to maximum playing time of the game. If you have manually altered this on the Edit Game screen, your provided data will be displayed.
Enable this setting to show the weight (complexity) of the games, based on community votes on BoardGameGeek. This is a scale of 1 (light) to 5 (heavy).
Enable this setting to show the average BoardGameGeek rating for the game. This is a scale from 1 (worst) to 10 (best).
Enable this setting to show the BoardGameGeek rank for the game. Rank 1 is best.
Enable this setting to show the classification of the games as defined by BoardGameGeek. Examples of classifications are Abstract Games, Family Games, Strategy Games.
Player Counts
Enable this setting to show the official player counts for the games as defined by the publisher.
Enable this setting to show the recommended player counts for the games based on community votes on BoardGameGeek.
Enable this setting to show the best player counts for the games based on community votes on BoardGameGeek.
Minimum age
Enable this setting to show the official minimum age for the games as defined by the publisher.
Enable this setting to show the recommended minimum age for the games based on community votes on BoardGameGeek.
Game properties are loaded from BoardGameGeek.