Did you receive a promo code for Board Game Stats? Congratulations! Depending on the promo code you can now download the app, or an in-app-purchase of the app for free!
Beware that promo codes always have a limited validity of about a month. Also, they can be used exactly once! They are however non-personal, so if you already have the item, feel free to make somebody else happy with it!
Redeeming your code
To redeem your code, you go to the App store app (on iOS) or Google Play app (Android).
On iOS, go to the App store app, and tap your acount icon on the top right. There, click on Redeem and enter the code. If you retrieved an in-app-purchase, you might need to go in Board Game Stats, to Settings > and the retrieved in-app-purchase, and click ‘Restore purchases’.
On Android, choose “Payments and subscriptions” from the account menu in the Google Play app, and tap “Redeem code”. If you retrieved an in-app-purchase, you might need to go in Board Game Stats, to Settings > and the retrieved in-app-purchase. It should activate automatically there.